Thomas Hilbert – Yoga, Meditation und Tiefenentspannung/ Rahmenprogramm
We tailor wellness programmes to your group’s individual needs. Greet the day with an extra surge of energy in the morning, regain flagging concentration in the afternoon and end the day with peaceful relaxation.
All our programmes aim to make participants aware of the interdependence between body, mind and spirit (“embodiment”). With this goal in mind, we offer effective tools to help optimise everyday habits and to boost health on every level:
Physical: fitness, immune system, stamina and eyesight
Mental: improved concentration, IQ, memory, emotional stability
Social: heathy interpersonal relationships
Emotional: managing anger, anxiety and depression
Spiritual: promoting inner joy by means of knowledge and trust
Many years of experience in the fields of investment banking and entrepreneurialism make our programme ideal for managers and executives.